Catchment Area
You may register with Bath Row Medical Practice if you are permanently resident in one of the following postal areas: B1, B2, B3, B5, B12, B15 or B16. Permanent means that you are ordinarily living at the specified address and will be there for more than three months.
If you will be resident in the Practice area for less than three months you may still register but this can only be as a temporary patient. In these circumstances we will not have access to your previous medical records and you will remain registered with your home doctor.
If you are a foreign national, you may be entitled to NHS treatment. If you have a chronic condition and are ordinarily resident for less than six months you may have to pay for treatment. The Practice will advise you on your entitlement.
Student Registration
We are pleased to provide health care for students living within our catchment area while you are studying in Birmingham. If you reside at The Maltings, IQ Five or Queens Hospital Close, just register online here.
How to Register
Please do not wait until you are ill to register as we cannot guarantee that an appointment will be available at that time.
NHS reforms aimed at improving patient care and service now require that every patient eligible for NHS care in the UK has a unique NHS number that identifies them. This means that when a patient registers with a GP, the national patient registration system must identify and match that patient with their unique NHS number. This can only be done if patients provide full and accurate information when they register with a GP.
To ensure that this matching process is quick and efficient, general practices are now required wherever possible to obtain proof of information provided by patients on their registration forms.
To register with us
We need you to complete a registration form fully and with as much detail as possible.
You can register online here.
When you register, we also ask you to complete a questionnaire about your health needs and lifestyle. This information is used to set up a health record for you and also helps us plan services for you and all our patients. Please note that our NHS contract requires us to ask additional patient profile information from you such as information about your ethnicity. You may decline to provide such information if you wish but we ask you to complete the health questions in full.
Following this, we may ask you to attend for a New Patient Check with our Health Care Assistant (HCA) when your height, weight and blood pressure will be measured. If you are in an eligible age group, you may also be offered a blood test to check for diabetes and high cholesterol. This health check enables us to identify whether you may be at risk of developing coronary heart disease and provides an opportunity for us to offer you advice to help keep you healthy.
If you are on regular medication or have any immediate health concerns we ask that you attend an appointment with one of our Practice Nurses instead of our HCA. This is so that your medication can be checked and arrangements made for you to access repeat prescriptions, if applicable. An appointment will be made for you to see a doctor if the nurse considers it advisable.